TimMay Neon RaJah Raps Lyrics To Live By
When your constantly meeting and forming new friendships, its not rare to meet people that have the same interest as yourself.
I met TimMay Neon Rajah while attending Wake Technical Community College back in late 2009.
He struck me as a nice well-rounded young man with his sight set on being successful.
This year I had an opportunity to interview this young man in a brief Q&A.
Myself-So TimMay where were you born? What is your age and your genre of music that you fit into?
TimMay-- I was born in Charlotte NC. I'm 23 years old. My genre of music is experimental hip hop.
Myself-What are your aspirations in life? and your concepts about life, and music?
TimMay--My only goal in life is to help other, be a good role model, and serve God. My life concept is basically do good to others, and you will be okay. My music reflects what I believe in. I'm not religious, however I have very strong faith.
Myself-What was the hardest or is the hardest obstacle you have ever to overcome?

Myself-How do these things relate to the music you create and your own lifestyle?
TimMay--I only make music based on what I've experienced. I make great use of metaphors to give those who a more visual a mental picture of what I am trying to say. You will never hear me mention money, cars, girls, or anything of that sort. Most of my music is very spiritual and thought provoking.
Myself-Is there a favorite saying or quote that you live by? a motto?
TimMay--A quote that I have always lived by is "Give, and it will come back to you"......It proves to be correct everyday.
Myself-What is your advice for other artist?
TimMay--Be yourself without selling yourself short. NEVER try to portray anything other that what you are, it will always backfire.
Myself-On stage describe how you prepare yourself for the moment.....
TimMay--Before I perform I always pray, and its never backstage or in a secluded area. I pray on stage in front of the crowd while my music intro is playing. I have nothing to hide, and want people to see that everything I have to offer comes from God.
Myself-How do you create? And at what peaks of time in a 24hr day do you feel the most creative?
TimMay--I create whenever I feel moved to do so. There is no particular time in the day where I have a peak in creativity, but more so after an experience. I create when I have something meaningful to talk about, or I feel the need to get something off my chest. Its more so of an outlet for me.

Myself-What do you support and what not?
TimMay--Im very open minded, and will support almost anything POSITIVE. If all you do is talk about "money this, girls that, swag, turn up" chances are I'm not even going to entertain it. I support things that support others.
Myself-In a few words describe who you are and what you represent
TimMay--I am who I am, and I represent the greater good.
Listen to the Artist TimMay Below
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