Tuesday, March 25, 2014



The young author Elvis Williams Jr., published his first known book
titled "Fallen Angels," which was recently released, exploding in Kenansville N.C. at the local community college. In the "About the Author" section it mentions that he is, "an aspiring writer and entrepreneur, looking to turn every one's dreams into realities. Elvis has always been as imaginative young man who's good at math and able to instantly create a story out of anything."I met Elvis Williams Jr. while attending James Sprunt Community College in Kenansville North Carolina. Williams is there currently receiving his Associates of Arts and Assoc. of General Education. WIlliams is 21 years old and plans on continuing his education at a prestigious university.


Williams-To be honest it was just a blessing from God. The title just happened to pop up in my head one day while I sitting in the house relaxing. 

Myself -Is a theme or a message in your novel that you want others to grasp? Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

Williams-The message that I want people to grasp from reading my novel is that all things are possible no matter how it may look while your experiencing your problem, there is always a way for you to end up winning. The experiences are sort of based off of my own but I wrote it as if my situation was taken to the extreme. 

Myself-What books have most influenced your life most? And if you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?

Williams-When you read and relate I hope you can see that your situation can be a lot worse than how it is. The only book that has influenced me is the Bible and another book called The Secret but I don't know the author. The only author that has been a mentor to me is God. I'm not much of a reader, there are not too many books that I've read that I've enjoyed. That's why I feel like there is something different about this book because I actually enjoy reading it. 

Williams-My current project is Intuitive Words Of Wisdom. Which is a book of my own personal positive encouragement quote book, it comes out this Easter. Fallen angels the sequel comes out this winter .My mentor Mr. Tate from James Sprunt Community College is someone outside off my family who has really supported me, I see writing as a career, I hope to write the script for when I decide to turn my Fallen Angels books into movies and TV shows. If I had to do it all over again I would not change a thing. I've learned a lot during this experience and I wouldn't trade that for anything. 

 Myself-Tell me what was the hardest part of writing your book? I mean did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it? Do you have any advice for other writers?  

Williams-I can think of a story all day with no problem, but to take the time to write it down is the only thing that stops me from working.From writing this book I learned that anything is possible I just have to put my mind and soul into doing it.To any other writer, the only advice I can give is for you to write what your heart tells you. And to always believe in your work, whether others believe or not. 

Myself-Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your reader

To all my readers out there Thanks for all your support. Always believe in yourself, your potential is endless, and your time for success is now just reach out and grab it.---Elvis Williams

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